Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Suns of the Empire

Join us for a night of Music, food and prizes. Friday Aug. 7th at 7pm at The Colonial Inn, Turin Road, Rome.
Not that you need a reason to go out on a Friday night and have a good time...BUT, Suns of the Empire will be performing. You've got to hear them! There will be an opportunity for some great prizes, a chinese auction, and tons of fun.
The evening will benefit Richard Smith for Supervisor. He will be there having a great time with his family and friends. Please come and join us.
A $5.00 cover charge at the door will give you access to a great night of music, fun and friends.
See you there!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fourth of July Parade

Just a few photos from the parade. Richard was warmly welcomed along the parade route. He really enjoyed being among the members of the community.

What Will Richard Smith Do for the Town of Lee

No New Taxes

Provide a positive platform to ensure that the community is involved in the decision making process for the future of the Town of Lee.

Seek ways to lower the Oneida County property tax by properly utilizing excess revenue in accordance with state legislation.

Lee Town Park - Make it a premier recreational family park and address the future development of its facilities for the entire family.

Seek and develop programs for our children to develop their community and social skills.

Develop and promote more programs to stimulate our Seniors health and welfare.

With community input, develop a comprehensive "Master Plan" to accomodate, manage and develop the growth of Lee, and to lend support to our local farmers.

Seek ways to enhance and develop the Rt. 26 Corridor and proactivly seek appropriate small businesses to provide service and tax revenue to our community.

Activly seek monetary grants to leverage projects that will benefit the community and its families.

Work diligently to ensure the safety and security of our families by supporting the Lee Fire Department andl Lake Delta Fire Department, to ensure they have manpower, equipment, and training to properly serve our growing and expanding community. The safety of our community is number one.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fourth of July in the Town of Lee!

Richard will be walking tonight in the Parade that will kick off the Firemand Field - Days in the Town of Lee. The parade will begin at 7pm, and fireworks will begin at 10pm. Come show your support for Rich!!! See you there!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What a great success!

"Friends of Richard Smith for Supervisor" would lake to say a huge thank you for everyone who came out to make the fundraiser a great success. Its the support needed to win this election!

Friday June 3rd at 7pm, Richard will be walking in the parade in the Town of Lee. Parades are always a fun event, and the Field days will follow. We hope to see everyone out, lining the roads, cheering Richard and his family as he takes part in this event.